PORTFOLiO / Pathways of Los Altos Hills click an image to see its enlargement

It is springtime in Los Altos Hills and green leaves and blooms are bursting everywhere, the reason why I love to explore and paint these pathways. I have been walking these beautiful “Caminitos” for the past 24 years and they are my daily inspiration and solitude. The trees with their magnificent trunks and the colorful flowers help me find peace each day. I can walk for hours and always find a new pathway to follow with its many turns and hidden surprises. Some days I meet new people on the way and it is fun to share with them the good feeling of these wonderful hills.

My pathways pastels and paintings are full of light, energy, color and movement. They are for you to enjoy.

“I looked at your web site which is wonderful and has a lot of vivacious paintings and drawings to see. I particularly enjoyed looking at all the Pathways. They seem to take the viewer into their world, a specific environment/place, and surround him so that one forgets that he is looking at a picture. There is air in them. One is surrounded by air which is held in place by the natural world of earth and trees. They present the mystery of life by which I mean the mystery of nature and all the things that are in the natural world. Wonderful work.”
                                                                          Bruce McGaw, Professor of Art at San Francisco Art Institute